On Falling In Love!

Have you ever laid eyes on someone or something and just knew, irrevocably and undeniably, that you were in L-O-V-E, love?  The poets, the romantics, and the "big screen" call this "love at first sight."  Have you experienced this heartwarming, twitterpating, awe-inspiring phenomenon?


The first time I saw the beautiful black and white stripes of a Sephora.  The first time I went to Smashburger and laid eyes on their rosemary fries.  The first time my babies were placed on my chest after their births.  The first time I saw my McHubby; a goofy, nineteen-year-old kid with a nice smile and a great laugh.  The first tube of red lipstick I ever bought.  The first time I walked into "The Sweet Tooth Fairy" and had a red velvet cupcake.

And the first time I met Kristine McKay.  Founder and owner of a video production company, My Craft Channel.  Mother, product designer, craft industry royalty, and all around hoot!

I was asked to come to the My Craft Channel studio and film a segment with Kristine, for her show, "My Craft Studio."   I did the only reasonable thing I could do.  I said, "heck yes," promptly bought a new cardigan for the occasion, and hit up Forever 21 for some accessories to match.  As I drove to the studio I felt nervous and excited.  (But mostly I just prayed I wouldn't look and sound like a complete goober!)

The moment I walked through the doors and met Kristine, I realized I was going to be okay.  She greeted me with a warm smile and a friendly hug; winning me over with compliments of, "Aleisha, you're darling."  When I saw that she was wearing leopard print shoes, I knew the cosmos had brought us together!

Everyone was nice and welcoming; the vibe was fun.  Kristine's incredible team worked to make me feel comfortable in front of the camera.  (Because, dudes!  I'm not!)  Kristine was very easy to talk to and fun to laugh with.  (Her sense of humor is spot-on fabulous!)  As I left the studio to head back home to my babies, I thought to myself (with a chuckle), "Well...I think I just fell in love with her!"

And if there was any doubt in my mind (which I'm pretty sure there wasn't) of my adoration for Kristine, it was immediately extinguished the moment I received this picture from her, via Facebook:      

Yep.  This pretty much "seals the deal" for me.

It's love!


  1. Hahahahaha! That picture is fabulous!! Omygosh!! You look beautiful...your photos of all your accessories on IG had me drooling. And you know what else does - you mentioning "The Sweet Toothfairy!!" Ahhh, I want a box of their cupcakes now! :)
    What an awesome experience...I love meeting new people and just clicking like that!! And she's right - you are darling! Xoxox
    I love you

    1. HA HA! THANKS, MARIA! I love you more than tacos and cupcakes and the fact that you referred to yourself as "T-Head." HA HA!

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am dying! You are the cutest little thing! My gosh! That picture is the funniest thing possibly EVER! Don't laugh, but it took me a couple of seconds to "get" what was going on. hahahaha! I'm a little slow. I agree with the "darling" comment. You're freakin adorable! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! MISS YOU MAMA!!!

    1. HEEEEEEEY!!! Miss YOU too, Mama Kelly! Your comment had me laughing and laughing! You are too much fun!! HA HA! LOVE YOU!!!!!!

  3. I am still laughing about this!!! I just sent the link to Kristine so she could blush and revel in the new found love of her biggest fan!! You are awesome and I love you just as much as Kristine!!

    1. Ha ha! I laugh about it every time I see it, Lori! That Kristine is too funny for words. Thanks for popping by and reading. I love you so stinkin' much!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, sweet Lindsay. I think YOU are adorable, Artsy-Fartsy Mama! Thanks for being so nice!

  5. Fantastic post by a fabulous friend! Love you little miss sunshine! Can't wait to see you again.

    1. TAUSHA! You just rocked my world with your kind comment! THANK YOU! I love you to the moon and back! Hope to see you again SOON!

  6. Oh my! That picture is hilarious! What a fun experience to have. I hope it was a blast!

    1. JP, it was a blast! HA HA! And that picture makes me laugh and laugh. Hopefully I'll be able to link up my segment to my blog in a blog post...that is, as long as I don't sound too dorky! HA HA!

  7. following you from the Mom's Monday Mingle link up! hope u will do the same..

  8. Hi! Just stopping by from the Mom's Monday Mingle blog hop! New follower on your lovely blog, would love to have you stop by my blog sometime and follow back if you like.

    Melissa @ thisgirlslifeblog.com

  9. Wow, you guys had so much fun! Hahaha, love the last picture!:)

    Already your follower hopping by, blogging @ Why?

  10. New follower here! Found you at Mom's monday mingle. :)


  11. Hello!
    I found you from the Mop it up Mondays link up. I would love to have you come share your post with my readers over at Sassy Little Lady’s Show and Tell Saturday. Hope to see you there!


  12. Wow sounds like an incredible experience! :) I love the last picture!! :) Thanks so much for joining the I <3 My Blog {Hop} last week.

    For Love of Cupcakes

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