Hiding Mamas

A couple of days ago, I put the following picture on Instagram:

With the caption, "This mama is tired and is hiding from her kids in her little blue bathroom!  Ha!  Is it bedtime yet?  Where do you hide?"

The comments I got to the question, "Where do you hide?," were so hilarious and fun that I had to share some of them with you.  (Side note:  I LOVE that when we start sharing--and sometimes commiserating--with one another, we find things in common.  We relate to one another.  We laugh and say, "I do that too," and it makes us feel a little better, a little lighter!)

Natalie:  I sneak chocolate chips in the pantry.
Ashley:  If I hide and they realize I'm out of the general area they start getting into trouble.
Staci:  I love Instagram.  I zone out and imagine I'm hanging out with everyone I see!  So, Mama Leisha, we are hanging out on your toilet!
Tausha:  So glad to know that I am not the only one who hides from my kids.  #thebestmomsaremomsthathide
Alliflwr:  In my car!  Went to CVS and spent a *little* extra time sitting in the parking lot while Daddy had kids!  Turn up the radio!  The kids always come knocking on the bathroom door.
Robyn:  The bathroom, the car, I sneak outside, I lock my bedroom door...
Katie:  Closet or bathroom!
Heidi:  Today I hid in the exact same spot as Natalie (*from comment above*), doing the exact same thing.
Michelle:  I used to hide in the bathroom too, and they would send notes under the door.

Mamas need a break sometimes!  They need five minutes of peace.  They need timeouts too!  And I am here to tell you that it is okay!  You do what you have to do to take care of YOU, in order to be the best mama you can be.  If that means taking a few minutes to hide in the pantry and eat chocolate chips, FANTASTIC!  I say, "Do it, sister!"

I recall a funny quote I read about this very thing.  Unfortunately, it was "said," or written by, "Anonymous."  It went like this, "I love to play hide and seek with my kid, but some days my goal is to find a hiding place where he can't find me until after high school."  (HA HA!)

So tell me...
Where do YOU like to hide?  Where will you hide today?! 


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