Funny, Funny!

Sometimes being a mom is really funny.

Like when you go to the thrift store with one of your "besties" to peruse used books in insanely good condition and at insanely good prices, and you notice your son is trying to crawl into a dressing room that is muy ocupado.

That's funny. 

Then there's the time you're "crafting" at a friend's house while the four children play.  Suddenly, two of the four are buck-naked and running through the house and the bathroom smells strongly and peculiarly of hand soap and NO ONE under three feet tall is talking about what really happened upstairs while "the moms" were into the mod podge.  The "newly potty-trained" third kid emerges from the bathroom (after needing to "tinkle") and forgets to put his bottoms back on, so now HE is running around partially naked and your mom friend keeps saying insanely hilarious things like, "Put on your pants!  Cover up Mr. Bo Jangles!"

See?  That's funny too.

Or how about when you take a trip to the craft store and your kids start acting like monkeys in the cart.  Your toddler keeps yelling, "Gee oww!  Gee oww!," because he really just wants to "get out" of the cart and run around.  When you finally succumb to his pleadings you wish you hadn't because NOW he's chasing the little old man in the Rascal Scooter.  The kid is undoubtedly obsessed with ANYTHING with wheels, and the little old man seems slightly ticked.  So back into the cart he goes, only to pitch a colossal fit that involves his big head butting into your preschooler's big head.  Now SHE'S crying and you can't help but think about how ridiculously small the stinkin' craft store carts are.  All you can say is, "Geez!  What IS with you guys and the craft store?!  I can't bring you in here.  It makes you weird."  That's when you hear the woman in the next aisle start giggling, because she totally heard your rant.  After waiting in the checkout line, you make yourself feel better by purchasing TWO candy bars.  (Which you will eat at bedtime, while the kids are sleeping.)

Sometimes being a mom is really funny.

It's a darn good thing I've got a sense of humor!
(And chocolate as my therapy!)


  1. Yes you do have a sense of humour and I love it!!!! Hello my sweet friend in Utah, how are you? Thanks for stopping by recently and leaving me some comment love, I have been a little slow with my reading this past week and am trying to desperately catch up!! I am happy to have finally made it here to your awesome blog today, so I am going to back track on your posts to bring me up to date. Never mind I'm still in my pj's and kinda wishing I had those two candy bars you just mentioned even though it's breakfast time. Guess what? You may have missed a recent post of mine with a pic of ALL the candy my husband brought back from Boston with a special request from me for Swedish Fish!! Lol, they taste like Red Frogs that we have over here, I will send you some if you msg me your home address. I have missed you my beautiful friend, have a fabulous day!! xoxo

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Mr Bo. Jangles! hahahahahahahha! Oh my gosh! I swear, if you don't have a sense of humor, these things will make you crazy. And you now what? Those craft store "carts" are ridiculously SMALL! They are like little baskets on wheels! I have the same issue with my two kids in the craft store. What is it about my fav stores that turns my kids into little mini incredible hulks? hahahaha! Loved this post. You crack me up!

    Happy Monday :)


  3. LOL. Yep. kids provide tons of comedic material!

  4. Life is always more interesting with children!lol!

    Hi, new follower here from Tuesdays in the Tropics Blog Hop: Hope you can stop by, say hello and follow me back. Thanks and have a terrific Tuesday!

  5. Seriously!! What IS it with craft stores??? I take my kids into Michaels and they turn into their evil villain alter egos. Yikes.

    And can I just ask... MR. BO JANGLES!!!??? Hahahaha!!!!!! That's hilarious!!! My 7-yr-old refers to "my tenders", and I was totally grossed out until my husband clued me in on everything else he could be calling it. So tenders it is.

  6. Ha, ha, ha, oh sure, you can laugh about it, it wasn't your kids that were naked...oh, wait a minute...yes it was. I'm glad we can laugh about it now. Too funny!

  7. I have to agree with my friend, kelly, above! Hahahahahaha I scream/laughed @ "mr bojangles" LOLOL you are too much!! I always have such a smirk when I read your hilarious descriptions!!!
    I sure hope you got to enjoy those candy bars in the comfort and privacy of your bed!! :)
    Thinking of you and hoping your day doesn't require a 3rd candy bar. Aww heck, eat it is so worth it!! :)
    Love to you pretty mama

  8. This is cute.... and I really loved the Mr. Bo Jangles, lol!

    I'm a new GFC follower stopping by from the Wonder Wednesday Hop. I would love for you to stop by and visit my blog,!

    Nice to meet you & have a great day!!

  9. My 5 year old nephew is the funniest person I've ever met!
    I'm following you from the Terrific Thursday blog hop!

  10. What a wonderful sense of humor you have! Hopping by from the Thursday Blog Hop. Stop by and say hi!

  11. So true, there never seems to be a dull moment once you have kids. I just found your blog through the Terrific Thursday blog hop and started following.


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