What Do You Want To Be?

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was little (and just as kooky as I am now), my sole ambition was to be She-Ra.  For a period of time, I imagined myself welding a sword and riding a winged horse.  When I grew tired of my "princess of power" dreams, I aspired to be a fashion designer.  I had a lined, spiral bound notebook that I filled with my drawings of clothes.  Most of them ball gowns.  All of them foofy and poofy.  By the time I was eight, I was moving on to bigger and better things...Modeling.

Yep, I wanted to be a model.  Looking back now, I can't quite understand why I desired such a thing.  I'm terrible in front of a camera.  My wardrobe has always been passe.  My nose has got a lot of personality, which the industry would probably regard as...well...big.  Alas, a future in modeling was tossed out the proverbial window faster than Naomi Campbell could toss a cell phone at a defenseless maid!

I had other ambitions:  School teacher.  Librarian.  Restaurant owner.  (What the heck?)  Dancer.  Dance teacher.  (People, I can't even dance well!)  Author.  School counselor.  Poet.  Actress.  A business woman.  (But only for the power suits, the sexy heels, and the expensive briefcases.)  When adults would ask me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?," my answer was always changing.

Last week, Lilly Mae was asked the same question by her preschool teachers.  Her school--as part of the curriculum--did a unit on careers.  Lilly's teachers invited a few parents to come into the classroom and talk about their jobs.  Lilly loved it!  When I picked her up from school, she ran up to me and said, "Mom!  Mom!  I know what I'm going to be when I grow up!"

"What, Lilly?," I asked.

"A mom."

I hope Lilly grows up knowing she can do anything.  With courage, determination, goals, and a game plan, she can be whoever she wants to be.  She can do whatever she wants to do.  With God, nothing is impossible.  The sky's the limit.  She can work hard and accomplish much.  I look into her pretty brown eyes and see all the potential for greatness.  She could be She-Ra or a teacher, a model or a chef.  She could be an athlete or a nurse, a writer or a business owner.  And, of course, she could be a mother.  If that is one of the jobs she decides she wants (in twenty-five years), then I would have to tell her:

My darling, excellent choice!
Being a mother is the greatest and most important job of all! 



  1. So sweet :) What a lovely little girl! My daughter is named Lily too!

    I found your sweet blog via 1EpicMom's hop :)

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by Jessica! You are beautiful and your daughter is adorable. Have a good week!

  2. Ah, I love that! A mom is the best job! Glad I found you via the blog hop. Now following. Come and say hi at drmomsie.com!

    1. Stopped by, LOVED your blog, returned the follow!

  3. :***)
    Lilly is one smart cookie. I think she knows that being a mama has got to be the best job out there because of the wonderful, fun loving and sweet mother you are.
    This post made me smile and laugh and cry. You are so She-Ra, Aleisha. I used to love her too. It's such a blessing to be able to come to your blog...even more than before we met. Because now, when I read your posts, I truly feel every little bit of each sentence and the emotion and passion you put into your writing. I'm blessed to truly know you. And I'm so thankful for it.
    I love you. Why are you so far away? Come to PA and we will sit on the deck and eat burgers and fries (with fry sauce) and walk into town for ice cream. ;)
    Thinking of you.
    Thank you for all the love.

  4. We must be soul sisters. As I was reading your list, I was saying "check, check, check." There is a picture floating around somewhere of me in She-ra regalia complete with glow-in-the-dark sword. Now, I'm a children's librarian and a mom!

    1. Miss Courtney! Your sweet comment brought a smile to my face. Seriously! You made my day! You are a children's librarian!!!!!!! LUCKY! Must be the best job ever. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

  5. Had to watch the She-Ra theme. Loved that show.
    I was trying to contact you to let you know you were chosen as this week's featured host at Lovin the weekend blog hops. Not sure if you missed the email? If you get this message before 6:30 today could you email me a little blurb about your blog,
    What would you like readers to know about your blog? How long have you been blogging? What is your blog about? That sort of thing. And I will send you this weekend's post full with linky codes to share on your blog. Hope to hear from your soon.


    1. Oh gosh, oh my gosh!!! I never got your email!!!! Oh dear, I am so sorry. I'm flattered you wanted me to be the featured host. Would you consider me again, for another week. I'd love it! Let's do business! (HA HA!) Contact me at leishmcd@gmail.com

  6. Thanks for linking up for the "favorite things" bloghop! i'm your newest follower love the about me!!!

  7. Sha-Ra seriously just gave me nostalgia. I used to make myself her bracers out of notebook paper when I was about 6. Rawr!
    I found you via the Weekend Bloghop at Epicmom. Following you! :)

    1. HA HA HA HA!!! Aimee, your comment cracked me up! Bracers out of notebook paper...what a hoot! Thanks for stopping by and following, honey. Returning the follow!

  8. Thanks for stopping by. I've added your button to my link page! have a great weekend!

  9. OMG She Ra!!! Love this. She is too cute. That is what all of my stuff said when I was a kid too. I wanted to be a Mom. That is all. love your pictures too. My daughter calls me mommy jen :) Thanks for linking up with favorite thing friday. Looking forward to reading more!

    1. Jenny!! Thank you so much for stopping by. You are a hot mama! Seriously beautiful! Your sweet comment made my day. So glad you enjoyed the post! Have a wonderful week, Mommy Jen!

  10. With the example Lily has in her home, it is only a natural for her to want to be a mom just like you!

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH, Claudia! What a wonderful compliment. Love you!

  11. Love it She Ra! I'm hopping over from Friendship Fridays! xo

  12. That reminded me of the book, 'Who Are You, Sue Snue'. We used to read it to our kids when they were little ALL the time. They can be anything they want to be. My daughter wants to be a Stay at Home Mom- go figure. :)

    Following from Blog Hop til You Drop. I'd love to have you join up my Weekend Blog Walk linky.

    Jessica @ At Home Take 2

  13. That was a sweet surprise. I am stopping by from FF. Now following your blog. Have a great Memorial Day.

  14. Oh what a sweet post and an even sweeter daughter for saying such a thing! She obviously has a great role model to want to be just like you, you are doing it right, what a fabulous mummy you are!!
    I loved reading your list of things you wanted to be when you grew up but you forgot one important role...friend.
    Luv you xo

    1. KERRY!!!!!! DAMN YOU!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!! Your lovely comment made me tear up!!! Seriously. It was just so sweet. Thank you for brightening my whole day, but most importantly, thank you for being my kind friend. Love YOU!

  15. Featuring you today at Drab to Fab!


    This is such a sweet story. Keep up your great work as a mom! :)

    Amy @ Sugar and Spice


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