The Great S'mores Experiment

Wheeew, child!  It has been hot around here!  With temperatures varying between 102F and 104F this week, I have been acting like a hermit and staying locked up in my air-conditioned home.  (Geez!  Where do I live?  The surface of the sun?  How do you Arizona peeps do it!?)  It is "melt-your-eyebrows-off" hot out there.  It is "I-can-feel-sweat-running-down-my-back" hot out there.  It is "why-is-my-hair-shriveling-like-steamed-spinach" hot out there.  (I think you get the idea.)

I always chuckle to myself when the temperatures rise because meteorologists on the news start engaging in kooky "experiments."  Like frying eyes on the sidewalk.  (That's gross.)  Or baking cookies in a parked car.  One glorious day, while tuned into the local news at noon, I watched a delightful anchorwoman make s'mores outside.  In the studio's parking lot.  With nothing but a little aluminum foil and the hot, July sun.

I thought, "She.  Is.  Brilliant."

Naturally, my second though was, "I MUST try that."

Today, Lilly and I participated in "Mama Leisha's Great S'mores Experiment."  If you'd like to give it a whirl, all you need is aluminum foil, mallows, graham crackers, chocolate, hot pavement, and sunshine.

Build your s'mores on a small piece of aluminum foil.  Gently wrap it up into a compact, square package.  (I say gently because the crackers break easily.)  Find a REALLY hot place outside--like a driveway, parking lot, front porch, etc.  Just as long as it is a hard, paved surface that never sees the shade.  Lay those babies down and let them cook.

Here's the tricky part:  Knowing how long to "cook" them for.  Answer:  I have NO idea!  I thought surely, with as blazing hot as it's been, they'd cook in under fifteen minutes.  Not true!  That marshmallow takes a while to melt down!  (Plus, there were a couple of factors to consider.  First of all, it was a little overcast today.  It seemed our sun was playing "hide n' seek" with our gloomy, gray clouds.  Second, we conducted our experiment later in the day.  If/when we do this again, it will be on a clear, blue sky kind of day.  And we'll do it under a toasty, noon-time sun.)

The best advice I can give is to check your s'mores often.  We checked ours every twenty to thirty minutes.  They sat outside for about two hours.  Seems painfully long, doesn't it?



Warning:  They are an ooey, gooey mess.  And they're positively divine!

I think we'll make s'more s'mores tomorrow! 

A couple of handy Mama Leisha tips:

1.  Don't use heavy duty aluminum foil.  The regular kind works best.  (Our "heavy duty foil" s'mores took even longer to goo-ify.)
2.  May be placed on a BBQ grill for faster cooking.
3.  Next time we make these, I'm considering omitting the chocolate until the marshmallow melts down.  The chocolate melts the fastest.  Perhaps adding it "late in the game" will make it less syrupy.  Worth a try!  


  1. But did the marshmallow brown? That is my favorite part. Still looks yummy.

  2. We have a portable fire pit that we like roasting them over. Best investment for some summer fun! :)

    I'm visiting from the Hop and I'm now following you via GFC and Pinterest.

    Just wanted to leave you a quick word to make sure you've seen our Summer Reading Weekly Book Giveaway. We are giving away free children's books all summer long and the giveaways are open internationally. Week #2 is ON! Thanks so much and have a great week. Cheers, Renee

  3. Oooooh la laaaa! Sounds amazing! hahahaha! I love it! Now, if you do eggs tomorrow for breakfast, I gotta see it! :) LOLLL!!! Love ya sista!

  4. hahahaha at kelly's comment above!! omygosh, this is such a cute idea! and yum!!! it looks like you ladies had so much fun! please tell lilly i adore her big, beautiful purple headband. maybe i can borrow it sometime or we can do another "cathead/scarf trade!" :)
    thank you for brightening my night with your awesome vm! me and my "side head" love you ladies! LOLOL!
    have a happy weekend!<3
    xoxoxox i love you!

  5. Ohhh sounds yummy :)Thanks for linking up to Welcome To The Weekend Hop :)

  6. AWESOME! Imagine if we could cook all our food that way?! Actually maybe we could ... lol.

    Thanks for sharing on my "NO RULES Blog Party"!!


  7. i came from the link party , such a fun idea i love smores i actually never had them till high school lol

  8. Those look good--especially for days when you are indoor camping like we are now--trying to escape the heat!

    Following you from the Weekend Walk.

    Mel S

  9. Hi, I enjoyed this post you linked in to Claire Justine. I have linked in a post about the artist Klimt. Have a super week.

  10. Hi! I'm a new follower from the Naptime Review Bloghop. I can't wait to try this with my own sons..they will love it! Thanks for sharing.
    From Jenny @

  11. Visiting from Inspire Me Monday... Great idea! I used to live in TX where the heat was unbearable at times, but never had thought of putting s'mores outside to cook! Genius way to enjoy the summer without adding more heat!

  12. ohh that sounds delicious! my babysitters used to cook these and hot dogs while we swam outside! I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow The Preppy Student. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog!

  13. What a fun idea! It is super hot today, we should try these. Thanks for linking up to The Cookie A Day Challenge Tuesday Hop today. I hope to see you again with more of your clever recipes next week :)

  14. What a fun "experiment." My cousins used to make s'mores on chocolate chip cookies to cut down on the chocolate mess - but you do loose that graham cracker taste when you switch to cookies....

  15. This is so awesome! A super fun kid's project with a yummy gooey ending:) I have never thought of this. I bet (here in the southwest) I could make one in under 15 minutes, lol
    Thank you for sharing this amazingly cool (really hot) project at Freedom Fridays!

  16. This looks so fun. I'll have to try it with my niece. Although it doesn't get THAT hot THAT often in Portland. But it's worth a try.

    Following you thanks to TTWFI blog hop.


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