Laundry Day Adventures!

Sometimes doing the laundry is a surprising adventure, for the simple fact that I have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm going to find in my children's laundry baskets.

You would think I would find clothes, right?  Au contraire.  (I bust out a little French when I want to feel fancy.  In my sweat pants.)

I have found "previously sucked on" gummi bears in pants pockets.  I have found "petrified" string cheese and play-doh nestled among Elmo shirts and princess pajamas.  I've even found a soiled diaper at the bottom of one of the baskets.  (My theory is that in an attempt to be helpful, one of the kiddos mistook the brown, wicker basket for the small, white, plastic garbage can.  I suppose when you are under four feet tall, and under six-years-old, it would be easy to get confused.  HEY!  Maybe that's where all our socks are going...out with the trash!)

One of the worst things I found amidst the tiny-people clothing was Cam's fake, rubber lizard.  I probably don't need to tell you that I just about dropped dead on my laundry room floor when I saw that thing.  I may have cursed!  (Sorry, Mom.)

Recently, I've been finding toys.  (The reprieve from food items has been nice.)

A couple of weeks ago, I found all of these in the little mister's basket:

The week after that, I found this in Ms. Lilly's basket:

Yesterday, I was greeted by this little guy (who'd been hiding out in Lilly's church dress):

Admittedly, the Doc Squinkie made my heart happy during an otherwise mundane and miserable chore.  I identified it as a symbol of my children's innocence and preciousness.  They are still so young...but they won't stay that way forever

One of my most favorite "parenthood quotes" is from Thomas S. Monson.  He once said, "If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all to soon and that you will--to your surprise--miss them profoundly."

Though it seems so very far away, there will eventually come a time when my laundry won't loom over my head, threatening to overwhelm me with it's volume.  It will just be mine.  It will just be my husband's.  The gummi bears, the toys, the clods of dirt, the rubber lizards and the holey socks will all be gone.  And as I search my wonderful (and mischievous) children's faces--the big eyes, the little baby teeth, the smooth and chubby cheeks, the button noses--I realize I'll miss it.  All of it.

I'll miss them.

Maybe I'll even miss that nasty, petrified string cheese that seems to greet me with a, "Hello Mama!  It's laundry day!" 



  1. You always manage to make me laugh and cry! How bad is this - we are texting AND I am commenting on your blog. Hahaha!
    Omygosh, I would scream if I found a fake lizard too...those kinds of things freak me out so easily! I love the little Squinkie. Omygosh, if my next cat is gonna be "Squinkie!" Then I will have a Twinkie and Squinkie. Love it!
    I want Lilly to come and leave surprises in our laundry. All I ever find are a million and one of Steve's chapsticks and reciepts from Burger King! And if I'm lucky, a couple bucks and coins! :)
    I love youuuuu!

  2. I love that quote! I'm always finding toys in the laundry basket and the ones that end up in the wash are always the toys that shouldn't be in there. Iggle piggle went in the wash and can't talk to us any more. Thanks for following me, I have followed back. Enjoy your weekend :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Michelle! You enjoy your weekend as well!

  3. New follower from the blog hop!Lovely blog! come and say hi and maybe follow too if you like it...:) have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much, Erika! I popped by your blog as well...and of course I returned the follow. You are BEAUTIFUL and I love your style. Looking forward to being "blogland friends."

  4. Awww, what a sweet post! Love it! I find it hard sometimes to imagine missing all the laundry! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH, Jillian! You're a sweetheart. Have a good weekend.

  5. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Your photos are great too! New follower! Come visit!


    1. Jessica, you made my day! Thank you so much for your sweet compliment. I visited your blog and returned the follow! Your blog is delightful! Have a nice weekend!

  6. Hehe, I can imagine. On missing laundry, I CAN'T imagine. But who knows : ) this is such an adorable post- love the pics.

    Oh and i'd love if you'd skip over to my willow tree blog. Take Care!

    1. Dearest Chantel, thanks for the kind words and for following my blog. I visited your willow tree blog and loved it! It's very lovely. Looking forward to reading more from you!

  7. Hi, I'm a new reader..wonderful post!! Yes...maybe!! ;))

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, my dear! I returned the follow!

  8. I was going to do a Little Boy treasures post with all of the stuff I found in my son's pockets! Soon enough, when I get a chance. I love all of the stuff that you found. And you're so right. They won't be here and all of these situations won't last forever. Hold on to them while we can. Have a great weekend and thanks for linking up at the Sit and Relax hop again!

    1. Michelle! Absolutely you should do a post like that. Oh, the things you probably find!! Let me guess....dead insects? HA! If you decide to write a post like that, I'd love to read it. Thank you so much for your nice comments. I look forward to linking up to your hop every week!

  9. My last child is still here but in college and I can assure you I was just holding tiny toys and wiping up messes the other day...or so it seems. It's fun to see you enjoying the moments which life with our families is actually comprised of. This is it. Right now it seems ordinary, but as these days wane, you realize they were magic. Few people can actually recognize them and appreciate them as they happen. Good for you! I'm your new follower. I hope you'll stop over at Quirky Vistas for a visit and follow if you like.

    1. I LOVED THIS COMMENT, LIZ!!! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful insight!

  10. I feel your pain. I had the dirty diaper experience myself, unfortunately for me, I didn't find it until after I washed it. For the record, you NEVER want to do that. It took 3 cycles of to get all the stuffing that comes in the diaper to get out of my machine:( Teach me not to put the clothes in one by one. Thanks for following Mommy Time Out, I'm following back:)

    1. OH ANGELA! Oh no, oh no! You washed the dirty diaper!?!?! (Confession: I may have gasped AND giggled when I read your comment.) THAT'S HORRIBLE! Thank you so much for commenting, following, and for making me smile today!

  11. Wonderful post ~ so true ~ Love the quote ~~ enjoy the weekend ~thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  12. I am 76 have great grandchildren so far away and believe me, I miss them every day enjoy while you have them at home with you. I like the family picture. You all look so young and sweet. Now my babies are Roses and more. I walk through the garden and remember.

  13. What a cute post! Our oldest has a safari vest, which has allowed me to was Lightning McQueen, rocks, pinecones, and other 'collections' our three year old finds. I would love for you to share this on Saturday Show and Tell: ( I know my readers would love this as well as some of your other posts. Thanks and have a great weekend!

  14. Very fun post! I know a lot of people can relate to You! lol.. l found you on the friday blog hop and will follow.. you can find me on or
    Can't wait to

  15. Ah laundry days. I used to pull out of pockets, snails and lots of rocks. And if I forgot to check pockets...ewwwwwwwwwww.

    New follower from the blog hop. Hope you'll come on over to mine and follow back. I appreciate.

  16. I am now following you from a Friday blog hop. Please visit me at and do the same.

  17. Hi, I enjoyed the post you linked in to Claire Justine. I have linked in a post about some rhubarb and banana jam I just made. Have a super week.

  18. "...and that you will--to your surprise--miss them profoundly." I love this quote! I think of this often, they grow up too quickly! Thanks for stopping by and linking up.

  19. Thanks for coming by Quirky Vistas with your really wonderful comment. So glad you did. You made my day! Hope you'll be back again.

  20. I loved this post Aleisha, I totally think the same way about missing it all one day as much as I despise some of it now lol
    There is no denying we will all miss it, want it back, need it back...
    You, however, do find much more interesting things in your laundry than I do in mine...

  21. Awesome! lol I do also hate finding food items in pockets. It's always when I'm in a hurry and just throw the laundry in quickly only to discover the food later ~ blah!!

    Thanks for linking up with my "NO RULES Weekend Blog Party"!!!


  22. I found your blog today through Maria's. You are amazing and hilarious! Your archives will have some traffic over the coming days.

  23. I love that quote from President Monson and I relate to this post on so many levels! Especially the rubber lizard part...Except mine was a plastic huge spider...And I made my husband remove it for me just in case. Hahaha! I have currently been collecting handfuls of Lego Minifigure parts out of the laundry. I'm thinking about incorporating them into my children's Christmas stalkings this year since remembering they exist will make it feel like Christmas to them. :)

  24. What a wonderful post on perspective - amazing how it can change your outlook on life.

    Ashley, your newest follower.

  25. This is such a sweet post. I too find some funny things in my son's pocket. Just this week I found the mouse for our computer! I have no idea why it was in his pocket but like you I will miss seeing the fun surprises her leaves me when he leaves home!

    Thanks for linking up to my Say G'day Party. I hope you can link up again this weekend!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz


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