For Me

Tonight, I write this post for me.  To remember the dreams I had as a young girl.

Sometimes, when I close my eyes I can see her.  A skinny girl--with crooked teeth and knobby knees--sitting in the grass in the backyard, hunkered over a notepad.  A pencil in her hand.  An idea in her head.  A desire in her heart to create.

Stories would unfold on those white sheets of paper.  Stories of kings who lost their crowns, and two robins who loved popcorn.  Stories of plane crashes and baseball games; stories of being lost at sea and finding love.  No matter the story, when that young girl picked up her pencil and let the words flow like water, she knew one thing, with a surety, with gusto:

She wanted to be a writer.

I open my eyes and I see me as I am.  A woman with a home, a husband, two small children, and dear friends.  A woman with a blog and a wicked sweet tooth; a woman with a Diet Coke fetish.  A woman who laughs as much as she cries, who wants good things from her simple life.  But...the dream of the girl is still alive in the woman's heart, vibrant and electric and real.  "Write.  Write.  Write," it whispers, "Find your story.  You can do it.  Write it down."

But how?

How do we make our own dreams come true?  When wishing stars are masked by occasional storm clouds, when Fairy Godmothers seem too busy for house calls, when feelings of failure frequently settle on our shoulders?  How on earth do we do it?

Perhaps...deep-down inside of myself, in that tender place in my heart...I already know the answer.

You set a goal.  Make a plan.  Work hard.  Cling to hope.  You refuse to give up when everyone and everything is telling you you should.  You fight for what you want.  You sweat blood and tears.  You remember your dreams and believe in yourself.  Know that you can do it.   

Because you can, skinny girl.  Grown woman.  Believer in dreams.

You can, you can, you can... 



  1. Oh, I love this. You are an amazing writer. And an even more amazing person! Love you!

    Go get 'em!

    1. OH MY GOODNESS!!! THANK YOU, BECKY! I love you, honey, and your fabulous personality!

  2. This is a beautiful post, Aleisha! <3 I was that little girl much like you were -- I can totally empathize with how strong those dreams are. <3 I had a book published when I was 17 and now more than ten years later, I'm still trying to make time for the dream in my heart to continue to write, to not let these dreams just be in vain!

    1. Dearest Lindsay! I so love that we have common interests and similarities. We are able to relate to one another! It's a beautiful thing. Thank you so much for leaving me this lovely comment. Keep writing, girl. And I will too! XO!

  3. You WILL make that dream come true. I believe that inside you already know that answer, and in just the right time it will happen. Don't give up, because I will for sure be the first one in line to get your autograph, and buy that book right off the shelf :)



    1. Holy Shmokes, Kell! Way to go and choke a girl up! HA HA! Your comment was like sunshine to my soul. Thank you for your kind words. I'm so blessed by you. I can't say that enough. I love you!

  4. I would love to read some of your stories from when you were a kid. You are amazing and your dreams will come true. Love you!

    1. Jen, the stories from my childhood are CRAZY and RANDOM...oh wait!...kind of like me! HA HA! Thank you so much for always being in my corner, girl. You lift me more than you know. I love you!

  5. Replies
    1. Emilie! You are such a delight. Seriously! Your sweet face just makes me happy. Thanks for the comment and for the love!

  6. i know you are going to write a book (or ten) someday. i believe in you. remember when we went to that cute little shop where i got that "be brave" artwork...i remember how excited you got about buying that journal there, so you could write and jot down ideas for your blog. and i remember being in awe of all your books - i remember truly realizing how passionate you were about writing.
    i love you

    1. Thank you, thank you, my dear sweet Maria! What would I do without you? I'm so glad I have you in my life! You are such a blessing. Thank you for believing in me and for cheering me on. I love you immensely!

  7. In my eyes, you already are a writer. You are gifted with words and turns of phrase. You capture emotions big and small with your words. Whatever you dream, I hope you achieve it.

    1. OH MY GOODNESS, JP!!!!!!!! MOST BEAUTIFUL COMMENT EVER! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! You bring joy to my heart. XO!

  8. You are a kindred spirit! I filled dozens of notebooks as a child and teenager, hoping one day to be a best selling author. But it is so hard and honestly intimidating. Hopefully, someday I can do it. You are inspiring, as always :)

    1. My darling Bethany, you are just as kind as ever. Meeting you was a blessing, as is your support. Thank you for this comment. Never forget how highly I think of you! You are an amazing woman!

  9. E.B. White said: "As a writing man, I have always felt charged with the safekeeping of all unexpected items of worldly or unworldly enchantment, as though I might be held personally responsible if even a small one were to be lost." You ARE doing it, post by post! You go, skinny girl with the notebook! Lynaea @

    1. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL COMMENT, Lynaea! Thank you, thank you! I appreciated this so much. I can tell you are a lovely person. Thanks for brightening my day!

  10. You should SO write that book. You have a beautiful way with words.

    1. My dearest Wrinkled Mommy, I will love you until the day I die! THANK YOU!

  11. You are inspiring! I love your work and an so lucky to know you too! xoxoxo ~ Ruthie


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