What You Probably Don't Know...

Today was a big day for "the mama!"

I made my debut on live and local TV, as KSL's, "Blog of the Week."  How spiffy is that?!  I was nominated by my incredible sissy-in-law, Camille (who I happen to think is the "Blogger of the Century"), and it was more fun than that time I met Phil Collen (of Def Leppard fame) in Laguna Beach.  I mean, come on...Blog of the Week?!  What a neat honor!  What a wonderful opportunity to appear on the channel 5 news!

For your viewing pleasure, I have uploaded the clip of my segment in this post.  BUT...before you watch, I wanted to share a couple of candid and "behind-the-scenes" and deeply personal things with you, that you probably don't know.  Ready?!

What You Probably Don't Know About My KSL Gig   

1.) I was so nervous I listened to Justin Timberlake's, "Suit and Tie," FIVE times before I left for the studio.  FIVE TIMES IN A ROW!  Because that song is sexy and that Mr. Timberlake is smooth, and I needed something like that to mellow me out.

2.) I had been sicker than a dog (what does that expression even mean?) for more than a week.  Today was the FIRST day I put makeup on in about 9 days.  And I wore A LOT of it...to hide my sickly little face.

3.) Today was the FIRST day I did my hair in about 9 days.

4.) Today was the FIRST day I got dressed in something other than pajama pants and sweatshirts...in...you guessed it...about 9 days.  

5.) In an act of brilliance, I chose to wear a cat sweater.  This was strategic; a way to detract from my "still recovering from a gnarly sinus infection" self.  (You can't tell how sick I've been if you're distracted by all those cats!)  This was also the reason for the red lipstick!

6.) I said a prayer in the parking garage when I arrived at the KSL building.

7.) I was so nervous and excited about being the "Blog of the Week" that I told all the people riding in the studio elevator about it.

8.) Scott Haws, the host of Browser 5.0, is very charming and sweet.  PLUS, he has FIVE kids...and his oldest is sixteen!  If you ask me, he looks really great for his age.  (And for having scary teenagers in the house!)  I even told him that.

Photo courtesy of KSL and ksl.com.  Please forgive me for "altering it" a bit.
9.) When my gig was over, I drove across the street to the Crown Burger.  I celebrated "not passing out on air" with a Diet Coke and an order of fries.  Naturally, I drowned those beautiful taters in fry sauce.

THANK YOU, Camille for nominating me!  THANK YOU, Libby (a producer), for contacting me!  THANK YOU, Scott, for making me feel comfortable in your scary world of cameras and microphones!  THANK YOU, kind people at KSL, for taking care of me today!  And THANK YOU, readers and friends and loved ones, for making me ridiculously happy, for indulging me in my "bloggy hobby," and for being true lights in my life.   

You are waaaaay cooler than meeting Phil Collen!



  1. OOOOOOH MYYYYYY GOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH! This makes me so excited to see you this weekend! I miss your face! You did such a great job. Congrats!

  2. YOU.DID.AWESOME!!!!! So sad I missed it but so happy you could hook us up with the link! So exciting that you got to be blogger of the week. Never would have guessed you'd been sick. You were cute & sassy! So happy you're feeling better!

    1. BECKY!!! You are wonderful and amazing! Thank you so much! I love you!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! How fun! I love that you got this opportunity to speak on live TV, and its another chance to invite more people into your fabulous blog. You ARE funny and you DO clearly love to write - it shows in each entry! Hope you had a fun time with this experience; you deserve it.
    Cheers my beautiful!
    PS - It's kind of surreal and super-awesome at the same time to 'see' you again. :)

    1. My dearest Terry! I hope you know I will love you always and forever. You are very special to me, my friend! Thanks for the comment!

  4. Guuuurrrrrrrllllll . . . you were INCREDIBLE. I am so proud of you! Like I always knew, you were a complete natural. The camera LOVED you, baby! :)
    Can't wait for MANY more of these appearances to come!! :)
    Love you!

  5. PS Isn't Scott so cute? Seriously . . .

  6. I love it! Way to go! (Still love your hair!) ;)

  7. WA HOO!!!! You ROCKED it girl!!! and you didn't even look nervous!!!! And "YEA DAD" at the end was hilarious. I love it. and I miss you......what has it been, like uh.....15 years?!?!?

    1. HA HA! Thanks a bunch, baby doll! Miss you. You are such an amazing mama!

  8. Congrats pretty lady!!! I couldn't watch, I'll try again later to see if it will load, but I am sure you did awesome!!!! xo

  9. Aleisha, you rock!!! My gosh girl, you are GORGEOUS!!! Your hair is always SO spunky! I loved your KSL moment!

    1. Amanda! You are always so good to me! I love your comments and compliments. You've got a good heart!

  10. Great job!! I am so excited to see you this weekend. I love your face.

  11. This is freakin' awesome!!!! Congratulations girl!!

  12. OH my goooooodneeeeessss!! You are the CUTEST thing eveR!!! Seriously!!!! I wish I lived closer so we could truly be BFFs!!! You did such a great job!! So charming and sweet, and I loved the "go dad" part at the end!! LOL You always make me smile!!!

    1. HA HA! Aw, thanks honey! I wish you lived closer too, BFF. Oh the fun we could have! LOL! You truly are a treasure.

  13. Hahaha you are so funny!! Yay!!!! You rock!!
    Cheers to a lot more of you everywhere! :)


  14. Um OMG you are FAMOUS! hahahaha! You are so adorable, and I swear you did so awesome! I love your hair, and the cat sweater is just adorable! I'm sure Maria loved that ;) LOL! so funny! Awww so excited for you! How cool! I LOVE YOU MAMA LEISHA!!!! I feel so honored that I met you allll the way over here in PA! XOXOXOXOXO

    1. HA HA HA! Oh my goodness, Kelly, your comments are always so fantastic! I LOVE YOU!!!

  15. No way!!! This is so exciting! You didn't seem nervous at all. And even though you post pictures that you look beautiful in, you look so gorgeous on TV!! Big giant congratulations! That is seriously so neat! :) :)

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH, VV Baby! HA HA! You are a hoot and you always make me smile. XOXOX!

  16. Love you and LOVE the cat sweater. You are gorgeous even after being sick for 9 days...not fair!

  17. Hello Aleisha, It was so fun to meet your cute self at BYB. I so enjoyed chatting with you & I liked you instantly {in fact, I wonder who wouldn't?}. You did a great job on TV. I think Scott makes it easy. My best TV tip is to forget about people watching at home & just pretend it's you & the host chatting. It's way more fun that way! So glad I found you - I'm following on Google+.

    Warmly, Michelle
    Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust

    1. DEAREST MICHELLE! It was so much fun meeting you too! I adore you and your blog. You are a beautiful woman with a lot of sparkle! I look forward to being friends. Thank you so much for all your love and kindness.

  18. Omygoodness, Aleisha!!! I love it!! It was SO neat to watch that video!! Hahaha I read Kelly's comment and cracked up! Of course, you know I freaked out over your amazing outfit (cat sweater)!! I need it. You were so well spoken and yourself...amazing!! I'm so happy for you...what a wonderful experience that must have been!! You looked beautiful (and love the red lipstick)!!
    I hope the rest of your week/weekend was fabulous! I love you! Xoxox

    1. HA HA HA! You need a cat sweater like mine, honey! Thank you so much for the amazing compliments and for this sweet message. (I was NERVOUS being on TV...lol!) I miss you like crazy and love you like crazy too!

  19. You are too stinkin cute! Loved meeting you this weekend!!
    flats to flip flops

    1. ASHLEY!!!!! LOVED MEETING YOU THIS WEEKEND!!! Oh my goodness, you are a dollface!!!!

  20. So cool!! Man, our local TV doesn't do anything like that!

  21. You had NOTHING to be nervous about. Most poised and eloquent person I have ever met. Such a star!


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