Dear Santa

Dear Santa:  All I want for Christmas this year is for my daughter to finally remember to flush the toilet after she uses it.  Thanks and love, Aleisha

Dear Santa:  I have changed my mind.  For Christmas this year, I would like a filter.  So I don't just blurt out whatever kooky thing comes to my mind.  Oh!  And I want a hearing aid for my mom.  So when I tell her, "I'm asking Santa for a filter," she doesn't ask, "Why do you want a futon?"  Thanks and love, Aleisha

Dear Santa:  For Christmas this year I would really like a mermaid costume.  My daughter, Lilly, has been running around in hers all weekend just looks like a lot of fun.  Can you help a girl out?  Thanks and love, Aleisha

Dear Santa:  You guessed it...I've changed my mind!  All I want for Christmas this year is for children to be kept safe while attending school.  Much thanks and love, Aleisha

Dear Santa:  I just thought of something else I would like for Christmas.  Last night, I watched "The Holiday" while wrapping some Christmas gifts.  That Jude Law is gorgeous!  I want him.  Thanks and love, Aleisha

Dear Santa:  Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...I have changed my mind AGAIN!  I hesitate writing this letter since my request may be deemed "controversial" by some.  Nevertheless, I must tell you that all I want for Christmas this year is for that terrible, horrible, no good, very bad song, "Christmas Shoes," to go away.  Far, far away.  And never come back, ever!  Can you grant me this single Christmas wish?  I would be most grateful.  (And I have a hunch that MANY others would be grateful too.)  Love, Aleisha, who is not a Scrooge

Dear Santa:  I was in the kitchen making some Christmas goodies when James walked up behind me and started singing "White Christmas" in my ear.  Did I mention he was doing it in his best Neil Diamond voice?!  I laughed, turned around, looked up at his ridiculously good looking face, and realized I already have everything I could ever want for Christmas.  Thank you anyway!  Good luck tonight.  Love, Aleisha 

Merry Christmas From The Mama! 


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