Breakfast At Tiffany's Bunnies and 25 Shmacks!

Lilly and I were running errands at a party supply store one day when she asked me if she had "earned a treat" for her good behavior.  I laughed and said, "I guess, Lil...but I'm not sure what you'll find here."  Within minutes we found ourselves down the Mardi Gras-themed aisle, and I watched as my darling daughter selected a shiny, sparkly, blinged-out, disco ball necklace!!!  I laughed and thought about how proud I was of her selection.  She is her mother's daughter!

I have always loved accessories and things that sparkle and shine.  Pearls are pretty, diamonds are fun, and glitter is my best friend!  HA!  My love for jewelry and "girly-girl" things inspired this ADORABLE, polka-dotted project.  I call these beauties, "Breakfast At Tiffany's Bunnies."  Visit for my tutorial!

It is quite possible I love The Wood Connection as much as I love all things that sparkle.  (That is A LOT, folks!)  Thank you to The Wood Connection for giving me another opportunity to guest post!  They have generously donated a $25 gift certificate to be given to one lucky Mama Leisha reader.  Entering the giveaway is easy.  Simply fill out the rafflecopter below.  (Go on, HOP to it!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be notified via email on April 2nd!  GOOD LUCK!


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