Happy Heart and 25 Shmacks!

When I was a little girl, my favorite thing about Valentine's Day was my mom's heart-shaped sugar cookies.  They were always frosted pink.  She made the best sugar cookies around!  (She still does!)

As I've gotten older I've realized my favorite thing about Valentine's Day has shifted a little bit.  Sure, I still love the candy and the cookies and the roses, but I'm finding I get just as excited about the decor!  I have a heart banner hanging in my kitchen.  I have a heart wreath on my front door.  I have wooden hearts on shelves.  All the hearts make my heart happy!

I love being "festive" and decorating for this "season of love."

I'm guest posting for The Wood Connection today.  If you'd like to see my tutorial for the world's most darling craft (ha!), you can view it here:  http://www.thewoodconnectionblog.com/37879/

A "heartfelt" thanks to The Wood Connection for allowing me the opportunity to guest post.  Working with them is almost more of a treat then eating one of my mama's sugar cookies!  (Almost.  Wink.)  The Wood Connection has generously donated a $25 gift certificate to be given to one of YOU!  Simply comment below to be entered in the drawing.  (Tell me what you love about the "Day O' Love!")  Winner will be notified February 9th!

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Crafting!          


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