Season's Readings and How You Can Help

Late at night--when the house is stone-still and the children are peacefully sleeping--I lie on my pillow and think about errands to run, tasks to accomplish, and my endless to-do list. (Those dang gears in my head seem to whir and spin the most when all is silent!)

And that is exactly how the idea came to me.

I was snuggled in my bed, mentally running through some chores that would need to be tackled the next day. Clean out Lilly's closet. Donate old toys to Goodwill. Go through that huge box of books on the top shelf. As I slowly drifted off to sleep, a thought as quiet as a whisper fluttered into my head: So many of those books are new and you don't have a need for them. Give them to children who need them.

That, in a nutshell, is how Season's Readings began. As soon as my hit feet the floor the next morning, I knew what I had to do. I needed to send Christmas gifts to children who deserved a little holiday mystery and magic in their lives, and I needed those gifts to be books.

Christmas 2014 was an incredible and humbling year. My sister and I raised close to $600 for our Season's Readings project--a staggering amount for two sisters who never expected that. Roughly 170 children benefited from the generosity of many who had caught the spirit of Christmas. It was a beautiful thing to be a part of.

This year, Season's Readings is a legitimate LLC. With the help of my lawyer friend--and after filling out lots and lots of online forms--I made it "official." The company (or non-profit organization) is registered through the Department of Consumer Protection. I have licenses and permits. I have bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.

I own it. I'm blessed to own it. I'm supposed to own it.

If you would like to get involved this year and help my sister and I, there are several ways you can do it:

--You can donate money. (It's tax deductible for you!) All proceeds will go to cover book costs and shipping expenses. Donate here.
--You can donate new or "like new" books, wrapping paper, or shipping materials.
--You can request a book for a child or family in need. Simply email me at with the name, age, gender, and address of the child. (We send age and gender appropriate books. All books are wrapped for Christmas.) Be sure to include "Book Request" in the subject line.      

We appreciate all your help! We cannot grow and thrive and serve without your support. Give the gift of books to a child this year. I know it will bless their lives as you have blessed mine!

Merry, Merry!



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