Princesses CAN Be A Little Scary

Recently, I had one of those "pick your battle" moments that mamas are often faced with.

Here's a picture of my battle (or "non-battle" battle?):

Lilly's new-found passion is creating art.  And displaying it.  Everywhere.

I love that she loves art and crafting.  I really do.  I celebrate her creativity.  I love that she loves to draw and paint and color.  I applaud her talent and how well she "stays in the lines."  I love her love affair with crayons.  I embrace how well she writes her name, as she writes it over and over again.  I love how she loves to draw hearts on everything.

What I do not love is her latest obsession with my Scotch tape.

She found it in my drawer one day, and unbeknownst to me, went bonkers with it.  Literally.  A whole roll of Scotch tape and an entire Princess coloring book later and...viola...her pretty purple walls went from "pizazz" to being the cause of the latest vein bulging in my forehead.  I chose to "let it be," for now, for a very simple reason:  It makes her ridiculously happy.

One quiet, Tuesday afternoon, I walked into "Ms. Monet's" bedroom to remove all of her bedding and wash it.  (Ugh!  The dreaded laundry day!)  As I changed her sheets from the polka dot ones to the floral ones, I happened to glance at her gallery wall.

EEK!  I gasped aloud at what I saw!

I don't know about you, but I don't think those princesses look right!  They're a tad alarming, wouldn't you say?!  Hmm.  There's something sort of "off" or different about them...

I just can't seem to put my, I mean, finger on it.      


  1. I would be a little creeped out sleeping in her room.

  2. my little one loves to color and draw as well... but she wants me to save EVERY one of her creations...and if you do throw one away, then she goes into a meltdown...

    1. Regina, I hear ya, I hear ya! We have the EXACT SAME situation at our house. *sigh*

  3. Hi!
    I have just found you from Melissa's blog hop, I look forward to keeping up with your blog :)

    Natalie x

    1. Natalie, you are beautiful! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a nice comment! I appreciate it!

  4. Hahahahahhaa that is so funny!!! The pink and red eyes are so funny! Like little zombie princesses. My son loves scotch tape also and I swear I have to hide it or he will tape everything to the walls! Lollllll! I love it!

  5. I think I would be a little scared to sleep in that room too :) pretty funny though. Hi from your newest follower

    1. Heidi! You are a doll! I love your style, with your cute hair and your funky frames! Aren't those princesses creepy? I can't figure out why she's coloring their eyes in. ?????? Thanks a bunch for stopping by and for following my blog. I appreciate your support!

  6. So cute! My little brother really liked stickers as a kid. I know all kids like them, but he covered his door dresser and anything in sight. He is now 16 and the door is still covered. :) Abella loves it and they add stickers to it when we visit. How my mom puts up with such a door; she loves her child enough to let him be happy. You are such a wonderful mother, keep on "picking your battles" in a creative way.

    1. Syina! What a great story about your brother! Very cute. Thanks for sharing! And thank you so much for always being so kind and complimentary to me. You, my friend, are an EXCELLENT mama, and my example!

  7. those are some long nights those princesses face :)

  8. Oh yeah, just a little scary! The princesses don't look terribly healthy!

  9. hmmm...bloodshot eyes!! Not looking good! :P

  10. new GFC follower. cute blog, friend. found u thru the naptime review GFC follower hop deal!

  11. LOL - creepy! And what a collection to have over the bed during the night! hahaha

  12. The one with the red eyes is scaring me! Hahahaha! You crack me up and so does Lilly! You would think she would be scared to sleep in her room with them! They are frightening and sooo funny!

  13. Enjoy the princess pictures while it lasts! Although the purple walls are pretty, there'll come a day when 1 Direction look-alikes and Justin Beiber wannabes will be scotch-taped to them ;) You better believe it too, I ain't mucking around!!


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