Heaven Help Me!

My "End Of The Week" Checklist

*Daughter is still weepy when I drop her off at school in the morning.  Check.
*Daughter informs me that school is "just not her thing."  Check.
*Daughter proves her independence and new-found bravery by riding the bus by herself...
for the very first time.  Check.
*Daughter exhibits odd behavior on the bus, warranting disciplinary action from the bus driver.  Check.
*Daughter incessantly mentions that school is "seriously lacking" in toys.  Check.
*Daughter makes a new friend in her class.  Check.
*The new BFF is a boy!?!  Check.
*Daughter whispers a secret in my ear, telling me she is engaged and is going to marry BFF.  Check.

*I am losing my mind.  Check.
*I am stressed out, beat down, and tired.  Check, check, check.   
*I am coping with exorbitant amounts of "Grandma's Chocolate Brownie" cookies and Diet Coke.  And trips to Target for nail polish and sparkly lip gloss.  CHECK, CHECK, CHECK, CHECK! 

*I am a mother.  Check.
*It is HARD.  Check.
*It is great...



  1. This is an adorable post! I found you via the Aloha Friday hop. Wanted to say hi!

    1. Thank you so much for saying HI, Kelly, and thank you for your sweet words!

  2. Sounds like a fun week. My son is two and follows his girl friend around church all the time and insists on holding her hand when ever they are together, and now he says he NEEDS to hug her when he leaves! haha. Crazy kids.
    New follower from Aloha friday

    1. Hi Megan! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for sharing your story about your son with me. A girlfriend your son follows around church!!! HA HA! Too cute. Kids are so funny. Just wanted you to know that I appreciate the follow and the comment. Have a great week...the weekend is almost here! XOXO

  3. Great post! She sounds like quite the character; so cute!!!! Hang in there mama :o)

    1. Aw, you're a sweetheart. I appreciate the "hang in there mama." Thank you so very very very much! (And yes, my daughter has A LOT of character! HA HA!)

  4. Your little is adorable. My little has a girl-friend that was his bestie last year. This year it's all boys. I think my end of week check list would read something like yours.. although my little is loving school right now.

    **new follower**

    1. Christi, thank you for the wonderful comment. It helps me to realize that I am not alone in all this "mommy stuff." What a great thing to know! Your comment made me smile. Thanks a bunch for stopping by and for following. XOXO!

  5. awww i LOVE your new bloggy! And I LOVE that for once I checked your blog on my COMPUTER!!! I can't comment on my iphone for some reason. It always freezes up, then I never get back around to all the blogs I read to comment. I"M A BAD BLOGGY FRIEND! hahahaha! I love this post, and I'm feeling much the same. Lily is adorable, and I"m glad she's adjusting ok to school! It sure is a transition, right??? hahahaha!

    1. AAAAAAA, I love you!!! You always leave me the best comments. Seriously. You have a heart of gold! I love your guts!

  6. Love the post. It brings back so many memories of those "wonderful" moments that really do go by fast. You get to my age and ask, "Where'd the time go?". But it seems like an eternity when you're going through it.Your blog looks awesome, by the way!

    1. JANI! You are the best, the best, the best! Thanks for stopping by! I'm such a fan of yours on our online groups and I always see your name and picture and think, "She seems lovely!" Your comment warmed my heart. Thanks for the love! XOXO!

  7. oh my gosh your daughter is hysterical. what a cutie pie. my niece was not digging school this week too. Love the new design so pretty!

    1. THANK YOU! My daughter IS hysterical...and sassy and nuts and crazy and hilarious! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog Marissa. I AM DYING YOU WERE AT BLOGGER'S NIGHT OUT and I DID NOT OFFICIALLY MEET YOU!!!! What the heck?!?!?! You seem so terrific. We'll have to meet up another time, for sure. Have a happy week, as the weekend is almost here! XOXO!

  8. love the check list. Being a mom is hard. Humor sometimes really is the only way to get through it, along with diet coke and target of course.

    1. HA HA HA HA!!! Carissa! I ABSOLUTELY agree about the TARGET! HA! Too funny! Your comment made me laugh! Yes, being a mom is hard....it's a good thing we are all in this together.

  9. How funny! My daughter's biggest complaint in school was there was no "snack drawer" she could rummage through at any time she wanted!

    1. HA HA! TOO CUTE! And that sounds very similar to a complaint I've been hearing around my house too!

  10. You are such a wonderful mama! I just love you

    1. Camille, YOU are a wonderful mama...and I love you too!

  11. I love you Aleisha! Come over and we can down a few diet coke's together. We could even let our little ones play while we snooze on the couch. I will even snuggle with you if you want to.
    I love your blog makeover. So dang cute!

    1. I LOVE YOU! Best comment ever! Thanks a bunch and a bunch and a bunch!!

  12. I found you through the Naptime Review Monday Mixer and I have to say, "You are adorable". And I too can check off "Losing my mind" at the end of every week. I can't decide if it's the husband or the kids that makes me lose it?
    New follower here! Love the blog.

    1. Oh my goodness, I loved this comment! So sweet and kind and funny...just my style! Thank you for the blog love, the comment, the following, and for making my day!

  13. too funny.. School isn't really my "thing" either ;)

    I'm your newest follower from the GFC blog hop!
    followme@ www.studentswife.com

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for commenting and following! You are the best, honey!

  14. She is adorable and you are so hilarious!!! I found your blog via @ Home Take 2 and will be following via Google Friend Connect!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

    1. Aw, thanks a whole bunch, Helen! Such wonderful compliments! Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate all the love and support. Best wishes!

  15. that last picture of lilly is 100% lilly! does that make sense?! lol!
    i love it! and her quip of the day... :*) i bet that was music to your ears! i hope kindergarten gets better and better for her and for you.
    a boy bff - oh boy! drink that diet coke! i'm going to get you one of those hats with a straw coming down from each side. you can fill it each morning with dc and wear it until night.
    i love you and miss you and hope you have a GREAT day!

  16. I found your blog via a Deseret News article believe it or not.....You were listed on one of the bloggers lists of must reads and I followed you here. x

    Going to browse around for a while but so far....cute blog. x

  17. Hi Aleisha!!!! Oh my, you have a mini you on your hands lol just look at that last pic and Lilly's expression hehehe
    Oh you made me smile when you wrote how she claimed that school just wasn't her thing hahaha (it was never my thing either Lilly!)
    She sounds like a real character, at this rate you are going to be spending a lot of time at Target in the lip gloss/nail polish section haha
    Hope you uys are all well!!! Get some rest and put your feet up over the weekend...there is only 12 or so years of school ;)

  18. oh great - thank you for warning me about "school" hahaha. my daughter is only 1 but from what I hear, it won't be long before the years pass by and she'll be in school....


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