A face is just a face without a mustache!

Sorry this one is so short and sweet, but now I really mustache... 

(Question:  Do you think I should talk to my girl who waxes my brows, 
and ask her what can be done about my upper lip?!)

Have a happy and not-so-hairy Wednesday!

*Thank you, Highlite Photography at Gardner Village, for the photo that is too fabulous for words.
*I love you, Cobi @, and Megan @, and Aly @! 


  1. Hello!!
    Stopping by from the "Follow Me Wednesday" linkup today :)
    New follower!

    1. Thanks a whole bunch for stopping by, Anni! I appreciate the follow!

  2. Found your blog via Follow Me Wednesday and I. LOVE. IT. Diet Coke gets me through the day too! I'm excited to follow along. Check out my blog if you get the chance.

    Sarah @ Our Family of Three

    1. Sarah Beth, you are a sweetheart! Wish I could treat you to a Diet Coke! HA HA! Thank you so much for visiting and for following along. You made my day!

  3. ohhhh this cracks me up! I've seen where photographers do this at events and I've always thought it would be fun! newest follower from the FMW hop!

    1. HA HA! It was really fun (and funny) until I had to rip the stupid thing off! HA HA! IT HURT! Thanks a bunch for stopping by and following. You are a dear!

  4. this is such an AWESOME photo!!! I LOVE IT! you need to frame this!!
    somehow, you still look hot and beautiful with a big old stache! hahahaha!! i think you should wear it next time you and james go on a date night! ;)
    i love you and hope you're having a wonderful wednesday!
    maria <3

    1. HA HA HA HA!!!! Maria, you are a hoot! Can you imagine me wearing that on my date night, and then leaning in to give hubby a smooch! I'm sure it would freak him out. You are always such a sweetheart and I love you like CRAZY!!!!!!!!!

  5. You're too young to be thinking about waxing your upper lip, right? Of course, you have dark hair so perhaps you notice it more than others. I would think waxing just shaving your legs or tweezing your eyebrows may change the hair texture. But, I'm not a professional or an expert on this subject. Hmmm, maybe should talk it over with the gal who does your brows. =D

    Thanks for linking up with Angela & I on Wayback Wednesdays. We hope you'll visit again.
    Cathy Kennedy's Blog

    1. HA HA! Absolutely, I'll visit again! Thank you, Cathy!

  6. This post is so funny! I actually just downloaded some printables so that I too can join the stache club. I love it! We are having a photo booth next year at our wedding and I know that the staches and other photo props will be so funny and awesome!

    Newest follower from the wednesday linkup :)


    1. Sara Marie! You are a doll! Yes, yes, you must join the stache club. What a WONDERFUL idea to do a photo booth at your wedding. Be sure to get all kinds of wacky props! It would be a ton of fun! Thanks a million billion for stopping by and for following my blog. Happy Thursday, honey!

  7. HILARIOUS!!!!! Beware of those wax places :) hahahahaha! You know what happened to me!!! xoxoxoxo


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