Dress It Up With Thrifted Goodies!

I have always loved thrifting!

When I was in college, the majority of my clothes were thrifted.  I would frequent the secondhand stores in search of "old man shirts" with snap buttons and wide-collared, polyester tops.  My style was very unique (that is to say, "odd") and I loved it!  I wore bell bottoms.  I thought I was a hippie.  I listened to Cat Steven's, "Catch Bull At Four," incessantly.

Now I like to go thrifting for other things:  ugly frames I can refurbish for my home, novels that have been read once, and old jewelry I can revamp...which is what my latest creation involved!

I had this old bag:

It was cute, the color was nice, and I liked the shape.  But...it was lacking a little zip, a little sass!  I went to a thrift store and found all kinds of inexpensive treasures.  A pretty scarf, some plastic pearls, a gold chain, and some "Granny brooches."  It would have been easy to overlook these items, but I saw their potential!  (And isn't that one of the important mantras of thrifting?  "See the potential!")   

I fired up my trusty glue gun and went to work.  First, I wrapped the scarf around the bag.  I glued it into place in a couple of spots, then tied it in the front.  Next, I took the pearls and the chain and wrapped them around the scarf.  I periodically glued those into place as well.

Lastly, the finishing touches...the brooches!  I attached them to the front of the bag, in front of the knot.  And, viola!  ZIP and SASS!

Isn't it cute?  And charming and unique and fun?!  It was very inexpensive and super easy to make.  (The best kind of project, if you ask me!)  If you choose to create something similar, the possibilities for originality are endless.  Think of all the colors and textures and old jewelry you could play with.  What a hoot!

Have fun thrifting and creating, my friends!      


  1. I love how you changed the look of it! Very cute :-) I also talked about thrifting on the blog today... great minds think alike! Hehe!

    1. Thanks, Whitney! Great minds do thinks alike! XOXO!

  2. It's marvelous!!!! Come link it up you might get a Feature :)
    You are amazing. I have no inspiration right now and this is great.

    1. Dearest Isabelle, my friend! Thank you so much. Glad you stopped by and commented. I ADORE you! XXOO!

  3. Nothing like repurposing something old and making it new again! My sister-in-law and I just launched our blog today - www.sophandlulu.com - We'd love to have you stop over for a visit!

    1. Hi HOney! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate the follow and the nice comment. All my best to you!

  4. I love what you did to jazz up the bag. It looks fabulous.


    1. Thank you so much, Joyce! I'm glad you like it. I thought it turned out cute too! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. So cute! I love it!

    New follower here from Friday Homemaking Link-up! follow back here! @http://www.facebook.com/BestItalianRecipesVideos

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Popped by your blog and am following your Twitter feed. You blog is FANTASTIC! Best wishes!

  6. Beautifully done. Way to see potential and go for it. And what luck to happen upon Granny brooches! Lynaea @ EverydayBloom.com

    1. Thank you so much, my friend! Glad you stopped by and commented! Best wishes and XO!

  7. I love this! Also love your blog! New Google follower here. Found you via "you like me" hop!

    Teresa from NanaHood.com

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Teresa! You are a dear. I appreciate your support and follow. It means a lot! Happy Monday and best wishes for a good week! XO!

  8. That is so clever. Well done.
    Linking from Family Fun Friday.

    1. Thank you, Janis! I appreciate your compliments and that you stopped by my little corner of the "blogosphere." I'm blessed by your support!

  9. Cute and creative. I also love thrift shopping, but I'm not as creative as you, though.

    1. You are so nice, Mitchelle! Thanks for your comment. This project is an easy one to throw together. I'm certain you could do it...and you are probably more creative than you are giving yourself credit for! ;)

  10. Amy! Do it! Find a bag and refashion it! It's so much fun. If you do it, email me a pic! Thanks for the comment.

  11. Ahh that is so creative!! I have a friend who swears by thrifting...I am just not the "do it yourself" kinda gal...I prefer to throw money at the problem and have someone else solve it! i.e. if my bag was plain I would buy a new bag lol Happily following along from the hop!

    1. HA HA, Noel Marie! I love your comment! I admit to doing the exact same thing at times: If the shoes are boring, buy new ones. If the bag is plain, buy a new one! HA HA! Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the blogosphere, for commenting, and for following. You warmed my heart! XOXO!

  12. I LOVE it!! Those granny brooches are awesome and so is the scarf!! That bag is SO you and so fun! I bet you can carry it with so many of your outfits!! Ahhh, I miss you! One day, we will go thrift shopping together!! I know we would be double trouble in any thrift shop! :) I hope your week is off to a great start!! I love you!!
    T-head xoxox

    1. THank you so much, Maria! How are you honey? How are you feeling? Ready to have a baby??!! AAAAAHHH!!!! I miss you so much, and yes, we will go thrifting together one day, and we will do some serious damage! HA HA! It would be a blast. I LOVE YOU!

  13. Today March 5,2013 I watched your interview on "MY Craft Channel" your spirit was so refreshing. I love taking things and making them into something else. I pinned the angle painting that is oh here,LOVE IT Also went to the blog"Stay AT Home Trader" Thank you so much for her link. You made the sunshine on this cloudy day. Smile as it looks oh so nice :)Would love to get to know you better. I really don't blog sorry but you can reach on Facebook or email me brindaparamore@yahoo.com

    1. Sweet, sweet lady! I am emailing you TODAY! Your comment was so beautiful and sweet! THANK YOU!!

  14. That is so pretty! I love the colors!

    1. Hi Holly! Thank you so much, pretty lady! Your comment made me smile!

  15. That is so super beautiful!!!! I love it. You did a fantastic job dressing it up

  16. Those are so amazingly creative! I am in awe. Thank you so much for linking up to Twice As Nice. I'll have to think on how I can work with some of the items I have to repurpose them.

  17. I just featured you on Facebook! XOXO


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