Listen To Your Mother

Heeeyy yoooou guuuuys!!!  (Children of the eighties, do you like my little homage to, "The Goonies?")  I have something very, very exciting to share!  I mean, it is so exciting it makes a warm, gooey, chocolatey chip cookie look like a stupid hockey puck!  It makes Brad Pitt look like a homeless man living under a bridge!

Ready?  I AM GOING TO BE IN THE LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER SHOW!  Hooray, hooray, hooray!

What is the, "Listen To Your Mother Show?," you might be asking.  According to the website,, it is, "A national series of live readings by local writers in celebration of Mother's Day.  Born of the creative work of mothers who publish online, each production is directed, produced, and performed by local communities, for local communities."  How neat is that, my friends!?  The show celebrates the beauty, humor, and complexity of motherhood; giving women all over the country the microphone, to share their stories and inspire each other.

Are you in Utah?  Will you be in Utah on May 9th?  Come to the show!  (If you come to the show, I will give you a big hug!)  I don't doubt it will be a beautiful evening of laughter and love.  You won't want to miss it!  If you'd like more information on the Northern Utah cast, please visit the following link:

I've seen the cast list.  I know several of the women involved in this extraordinary show.  I've looked at all their blogs and I have to say... they are AAAHH-MAZING!  I feel extremely humbled to be given this opportunity--to step up to the mike and rock it right!  (I hope.)  I will be sharing the stage with greatness--truly talented women, writers, and mothers.  I.  Am.  Blessed.

If you would like to purchase tickets (and oh my gosh, I think you would), you can purchase them here:

I would really, truly, sincerely love to see you at the show!  (I'll be the one in the bright yellow heels.)


  1. Aleisha, you crack me up! I am so bummed I don't get to see you live! {sad face.... really, really sad face}!

  2. You are too cute and if I don't have anything scheduled that day I am coming just to see you girly!

  3. So awesome! If I lived in Utah, I would SO be there!

  4. ohmygosh, aleisha, that is so so awesome! my mom was telling me she saw something on fb about you being on a show. i hadn't been on in a bit and i am guessing this is it!! i am so happy and excited for you! why does utah have to be so far away...of course, you know i would LOVE to come and see you! i can't wait to hear about it and see a video of it all! you are going to be awesome!! i love you!

  5. Too bad I won't be in Utah! But I expect to hear all about it after the show~

  6. HI!!! I'm here from the UBP. CONGRATS on the Listen to your Mother show!!!!!! I'm loving your blog. Hope you have a great party!

  7. Congratulations that is so exciting!

  8. So glad to have found your site through a blog op today!!! It sounds like you are one busy gal!! i am a new follower from - I am hosting a Linky Party today (okay...glad I double checked that-originally types Kinky Party) - I would love it if you swung by and linked up!!! Thanks again for some humor!

  9. Oh---and Diet Coke - yuck! Try a diet rocks!

  10. Swinging through with the UBP 2013! Taking a minute to link up and wish you a great day!

  11. How fun! You are such a talented Mama! Congratulations.

  12. Congrats on being part of the show! I'm stopping by from the blog party to say hi.

  13. Congratulations!! So happy for you - sounds awesome!!

  14. Hi Aleisha - what a great show to be a part of, congratulations!

  15. That's so awesome you get to be part of this. No shocker that they picked you though. Like I've said before - you really have a way with words. You'll do an awesome job. Congrats!

  16. Aleisha, this is so incredible! I would love to go to this thing. I will have to look into it more and see if it's a possibility (Thursdays are kind of crazy at my house, what with preschool and sports practices and such). Anyway, way to go! You will be awesome, and whether I'm there in person or not, I will be cheering you on! Love ya!


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