The Evidence

There are good dads all around me.

I love to watch them being good dads in simple, candid moments.  When they bend down to tie their toddler's shoe, or to push a gleeful child on a swing.  When they pat their teenagers' backs and cheer at little league baseball games.  I see good dads cleaning sticky faces, cradling babies, and jumping on trampolines with their summer-loving children.  These small and sincere actions are the undoubted "evidence" of a good dad.

There are good dads all around me.

Not only do I spot them in grocery stores and on playgrounds, on my street and in my community, but in my Instagram feed as well.  Lately I've noticed just how many wonderful pictures there are of good dads being good dads.  I wanted to share some favorites with you...

and remind you that there are good dads all around you too.

Photo courtesy of Shannon at Lucky Red Hen.

Photo courtesy of JP at After All These Years.

While my sis-in-law was out of town, my brother watched YouTube tutorials on how to braid their daughter's hair.  This is what he created!  Photo courtesy of Camille at Six Sisters' Stuff.
Photo courtesy of Maria at Everyday Is A Country Song.

Photo courtesy of Elyse at Six Sisters' Stuff.

Photo courtesy of Lindsey at The R House.

"A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty."
--Author Unknown

Happiest of Father's Days to Good Dads Everywhere!


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