"Bee Nice" Banner and 25 Shmacks!

You guys, I am constantly harping on my kids to "use kind words." You'll hear me say stuff like: Be kind! Be sweet! Be nice to each other! Be nice to everyone! My daughter is a sassy pants and likes to call her brother a weirdo; my son has an autism spectrum disorder and has a hard time understanding why he can't call people "Donut Heads." It's a battle, I tell you!

The moment I walked into The Wood Connection and saw their brand new, adorable little bees, I knew exactly what I wanted to do for my guest post for them. A "Bee Nice" banner!

If you would like to read my full tutorial, you can do so here. It's adorable and it's "message" is important. I think you'll like it!

The Wood Connection has graciously donated a $25 gift certificate to be given to one lucky and "nice" Mama Leisha reader. Entering the drawing for this ultra fab prize is easy! Simply leave a comment below! The winner will be selected at random and notified via email APRIL 14th.

Always remember to "Be Nice." Or, "Bee Nice." Whichever!


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