Climb Every Mountain

If you asked me what I like best about living in Utah, I would give you a myriad of reasons. Nice people. Fry sauce. (A super tasty sauce to dip your french fries in that FEW people outside of Utah have heard of!) Topographically diverse landscape. Park City. Four seasons. Top of that list of reasons would be: Mountains.

Mountains, mountains, mountains! With a hop, skip, and a jump (and a brief ride in a car) I can be in any ONE of SEVERAL canyons, enjoying a scenic display of Mother Nature.

The rugged and rocky terrain, the steep, jutted cliffs, the streams and waterfalls that carve white, ribbon-like paths down the mountain face, the smell of pine sap, the sound of river rapids, the cooler temperatures, and the closer I feel to God -- I love all of it!

I have always been surrounded by mountains -- living in pretty valleys while impressive and immovable peaks stood guard. I remember when my family moved to Arkansas for a couple of years. I was a young girl then, but still old enough to remember much of the experience. I distinctly recall my first glimpse of my new state after our plane had landed, and being taken aback by how flat the landscape was. I asked my daddy, "Where are the mountains?!"

I have found that something interesting happens to me while traversing mountain trails. I start to think about how small I am in a big, big world. But how significant I actually am, too. To God. I think about a higher power and how I see His hand in all things. His creative brilliance is captured in life's small details; delicate, purple wildflowers and fragrant pine needles.

I count my blessings. I smile at the chipmunks. I don't mind the wind in my hair. I turn my face to the sun. I think about my life. I pray for courage, to learn and to grow, and to be brave enough to summit the figurative "mountains" I'll face on my life's wondrous journey.

I know the trails may be dense and the slope may be rocky. Because life, like climbing, isn't easy. But I also know the view from the top will be worth it. 

I think about climbing every mountain.



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