On Being Brave

It's amazing what can happen when you swallow your doubt and fear, take a deep breath, and be brave.

By being brave, beautiful things can happen.

Being brave means "putting yourself out there."  The world is filled with incredible women--living for joy, dreaming of the future, fighting for family, creating beauty.  There's the glorious possibility you'll meet one of these women, when you have the courage to put yourself out there.  Being brave means meeting interesting people and making new, lifelong friends.

Like a pretty Italian "blogga" from PA.
Being brave is about letting people into your heart.  It's about text messages, emails, voice notes, and late night phone conversations with someone you've never met face-to-face, but feel like you've known for a long time.

Being brave is about being open to possibilities and adventures.  It's about boarding airplanes in Philadelphia, and traveling solo.  It's about flying across the country to a state you've never visited, to meet a crazy "mama" who likes to blog.

Being brave means anticipating something great, knowing that blessings are coming.  Being brave means not being afraid to leap and jump and dance (from sheer elation) in the airport.  In front of everyone.

Being brave is about trusting the sincerity and goodness of others, and believing wholeheartedly in compassion.  It's about having a worthwhile goal and making it a reality.  Being brave is about visiting new places, and daring to climb mountains.

It was Raymond Lindquist who said, "Courage is the power to let go of the familiar."

It's amazing what can happen when you swallow your doubt and fear, take a deep breath, and be brave.  Life's beautiful journey becomes the ultimate adventure--infused with joy and light.  The unknown road ahead--once perceived as foreign and foreboding--seems far less scary to travel.

People, places, hours are gifts.  You can find happiness in the ride.   

Be brave and you learn a little bit more about yourself.

And a lot more about love.

 "I'm not funny.  What I am is brave."  --Lucille Ball
 *(Want to read more about Maria's trip to Utah?  About our first meeting?  Visit her charming blog, "Everyday Is A Country Song.")*


  1. Love this post! I love that you did this. Good for you for being brave! Looks like an awesome time. ;)

  2. Um, let me just tell you, lady!!!! I have been MIA in blogland for almost a month now. AND I AM SO SORRY!!! I am just "kind of" catching up on a few quickies tonight (oooohhh that sounded so bad! hahahahaha).

    I REALLY WISH I COULD HAVE COME WITH MARIA! We would have had such a blast!!!! And Maria is so freaking brave - you too! I am so happy she got to travel to see you, and hearing all about your amazing trip just had me grinning from ear to ear. I even cried when she was telling me things, and got goosebumps all over looking at the beautiful and fun photos. God Bless people like you! And people like Maria! I think we are a rare breed :) And I do mean that in the nicest of ways!!!!

    It was so fun to talk to you on the phone! You are awesome, and I swear next time Maria and I get together we'll try to Skype you. Just tell the hubs to hurry home so you can use his computer. HAHAHAHAA!

    You are awesome, Aleisha. I knew it the first time I saw your blog, and it's hard not to kinda get to know the real you through your writings. Wow, am I really being sappy, here :) hahahahaha!

    I really hope that I get to meet you one day!!!

    Ok....time to tend to dirty diapers :) Hope you have an awesome week!

    Sending PA love your way!


  3. A beautiful post about a beautiful chance meeting between two beautiful and 'brave' women!! I love this story of courage and friendship. I could only hope to meet you both one day...Let us add hope to the equation xo

  4. That is such a fun post! I'm not sure I'd be that brave - good for you sister!
    I just tagged you in a post!

  5. Wonderful post on being Brave! I am a new GFC follower via I Love My Online Friends Monday Hop! Please come by http://kelleysnutrition.blogspot.com/

  6. I'm so happy I decided to visit your blog before I went to sleep. I'm laying here in bed, hoping to catch some sleep at a "decent" hour...
    And now, I have tears rolling down my face!!! Aleisha!! This touched my heart...it is beautiful and has me full of so much emotion right now!
    I still find myself thinking, "did last week really happen?!" It seems like a dream in some ways. Like it was too good to be true. But it was true. And it was a dream...one that became a reality.
    You and your family have blessed me in such a way. The whole experience was one I will always cherish.
    Being brave keeps on proving more and more to me.
    It proved to me how beautiful things DO happen when you trust your gut and listen to your heart. And like I said...crazy is good. Love makes you do crazy things.
    And I'm so glad that we were brought together.
    I'm sorry for the mega sappyness!

    Mega virtual hugs to my favorite friend in Utah!!
    I love you!!
    Thank you for being you!

  7. Just looking @ all the pictures again makes me so happy!
    Thinking of you!

  8. I am going to have to read your previous posts now-I am very intrigued! Thanks for posting these lovely pictures. I especially loved the gorgeous shot of the snow-capped mountains.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  9. Lovely blog! I'm your newest follower!

  10. Loved your post! And my daughter has that same dress! The blue plaid one in the sidebar! :) New follower thru BHE! To follow me, here's my link http://acostaeveli.blogspot.com/ :)

  11. This was a beautiful post. I am trying to be brave...really I am. I think I've spent so long in my comfort zone that it is hard to step out and do something that I've been longing to. This post was inspirational. :)

  12. GORGEOUS art and post! Thanks for sharing at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy and congratulations - you are my Featured Friend this weekend! :-)

    Look forward to seeing you when the link opens up later this evening! :-)

    Create With Joy

  13. I'm with Natasha in Oz - extremely intrigued...something tells me I'll be perusing your blog for the next hour or so :) The pictures are lovely and the love and support from the other bloggers seems so genuine and refreshing.

    Stopping through from Friendship Friday (my rule is as long as I post before the next Friday I'm good...LOL). Congrats on being the featured blogger! Reading this it seems very fitting you were featured on the week we discussed blogger connections.

    Take care and thanks for sharing your experiences!

  14. Love your blog! =)
    Following you from "Create with Joy".

  15. it is not often that people are brave enough to try something new... and when they do, they find that life is beautiful and exciting! so glad for you :)


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