Mama Leisha's LTYM Video

"The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers, and cities; but to know someone 
who thinks and feels with us, and who is close to us in spirit, 
this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden."  
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You have a story.  

Write it down.  Share it.  Shout it to the world.  Open up and celebrate it.  Relate it.  Find the lesson.  See the hope.  Remember the pain.  Recognize the joy.  Don't be afraid.  Be brave.  Your story matters.  

Your story is beautiful.  
Your story is you.

**LTYM 2013 VIDEO LAUNCH thanks to national video sponsor The Partnership at  We’re proud to promote their message of preventing prescription drug misuse and abuse!  Join the growing number of parents pledging to end this epidemic:

**First post about Listen To Your Mother, in case you missed it!


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