Photo Shoot

We recently had some family pictures taken!  My kind, gentle-hearted neighbor and friend, Lauren, spent an afternoon with us in our busy, bustling downtown metro, with her camera and hubby in tow.  Lauren has a talent for snapping pictures and an eye for art, and I knew she'd do a great job.

Of all the pictures that were taken, the one below is my absolute favorite!  The brick wall.  The love seat.  The colors.  It's quite wonderful.

And would you just look at my children?!


It was chilly and windy the day this picture was taken.  Lilly--with her unfounded phobia of wind and "blowing away"--did not want to be outside.  Camren was royally miffed because we kept pulling his thumb out of his adorable mouth.  Their discomfort and angst is clearly shown on their kissable faces.

I love this picture because it accurately (and terrifically) portrays a universal truth:

Life isn't picture perfect!

There are ups and downs.  There are highs and lows.  There are times of desperation and fear.  Stress can stealthily overshadow joy, and worries can bear down on the strongest of shoulders.  There are challenging, trial-filled times that instigate feelings of sadness or frustration.  There are long, hectic days with never-ending obligations, that push and pull you into a weary version of yourself. 

Or simply...there are days when your preschooler informs you that, "Cam found the Doritos," the moment you're finally ready to walk out the door for your "photo shoot."  There are days when neon-orange "Dorito dust" clings to little fingers and faces, and "photo-op" outfits need to be changed, pronto!

There are days when your children cry while having family pictures taken!

But because life is beautiful, and because life is hard, you do what James and I are doing in that precious, "imperfect" picture:  You smile through it.  You keep trying.  You hold your head up.  You keep smiling.

And you do the very best you can.


  1. Gah! Once again your beautiful words could make me cry! My husband and I couldn't get through the grocery store today because Lil' Hunkie wouldn't stay in the cart! He's being a big ole 2 year old for sure lately!!
    Sorry I don't stop in all your family fun photos!

  2. :*) SWEET words. SWEET photos. i'm all teary eyed after reading this post.
    your photos are perfect. there's so much life in them.
    umm, the library one on your sidebar is ADORABLE!!! and your shoes...animal print with big red bows!??? AHHHHHHHHHHH <3!!!! that's all i have to say about them ;)
    i love em' all.

    merry tuesday <3
    "hot" tacohead

  3. ummm, i just saw the one of you and lilly reading - AMAZING!!!! <3

  4. Kids are SO hard to take pictures of! I tried to take pictures for my sister and her five kids and it was quite the adventure!

  5. Gorgeous photo and gorgeous post. It is so true that life is messy and never picture perfect. I love this photo, even with the upset kiddos because it is reality and that is always wonderful to capture. That background is stunning. Did you move the couch in front of it or was it already there? Very interesting.

  6. It's a great shot. Love the texture of the wall.

  7. You sure do!! Just keep on smiling, with a smile as bright and beautiful as yours, it would cheer anyone up...except of course your kids in this situation!! But hey, you captured the moment. One day they won't even want in the family picture let alone to sit on your knees :)

  8. ...the brick backround is a whole other deminsion.. great pictures .I am a new follower from the hop

  9. Awesome blog. I am a new follower from the blog hop. Merry Christmas and God bless you!


  10. She did a great job taking your family picture!! My daughter has a fear about being blown away too! We can never get all of us together for a picture without one kid crying or turning away from the camera! How nice to have your neighbor and her husband to take your pictures!! I also saw your daughters quote and thought that was SO cute. My daughter says things like that too!! LOL. I am a new follower from the blog hop
    my blog is I can't wait to get to know you!!

  11. Coming over from the FNF Blog Hop!! I'm a new follower via GFC!! You have such a beautiful family!! If you have time to visit my blog that would be awesome!! Feel free to follow!! :) Hope you have a great weekend!! Happy Holidays to you and your family!!

    Jessica Rose - Beauty and The Bookaholic

  12. The pics look amazing! I LOVE your hair& makeup as well!!!

    Following you from the Friday hop!

  13. This picture looks great! If you hadn't mentioned that the kids were crying, I probably wouldn't have even picked up on it. The brick wall makes it look very unique as well.

    P.S. I found you on the Fun Friday Blog Hop. Please check mine out too if you get a chance!

  14. I love your new family portrait :) As a photographer, I've worked with lots of families that totally freak out when their kids have a "cry through picture time" day, but every now and then I get a family like yours that just takes life as it is and ends up with a beautiful picture despite the tears. Way to be! :)

    I found you via the Friendly Friday Blog Hop over on Clumsey Cocquette :)

  15. Well....Now I know what the heck Santa was doing in our pictures. He was just smiling through the absolute insanity of my demon daughter on his lap! LMAO!!! This pic is so great, and I wish I had seen this post before today. hahahahahaha! You know, kids are so funny. And I love the imperfect, PERFECT photos! It shows real life. My family is crazy, and one of us is always bonkers, so a perfect "smiley" picture just isn't possible with us :) I think your pic is great! And I love all the artsy stuff about it. Your friend has a great eye! And since the kids look so little, you can't really tell they are crying :) Ok, maybe a little :) I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas!!! And thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday. Your comments make me laugh so hard! I look forward to days like today when I can sit down for an hour and catch up on my blog reading. I've missed you!!!

  16. (oh, and totally forgot to comment on how much i love your little shoes and outfit! you guys all look great!)


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