It's February, It's LOVE

It was raining.

I watched the rivulets of water cascade, like tiny streams, down the Blazer's large windows.  The sky was cast a gloomy, charcoal-gray--the melancholy color of a springtime storm.  I listened to the steady swoosh-swoosh-swoosh of the wipers as they valiantly fought to keep the rain off the windshield.  I sat in stony silence, in the passenger seat, and stared out my watery window. 

The minutes passed.  The miles rushed by.  The storm refused to relent.  I tried to read billboards and exit signs, while James drove on in quiet frustration.

There were no wedding rings.  No anniversary dates.  No brown-eyed children.

It was just me. 

I thought about how furious and hurt I was as I folded my arms across my chest.  A tumultuous sea of emotions churned within my heart, invoked by our petty, "young love" quarrel.  I tightly clenched my teeth in an effort to keep the tears from flowing down my face.  I was not going to let him see me cry.

The windshield wipers kept time with my heartbeat.  Swoosh-swoosh-swoosh.  James cleared his throat, and gently spoke my name:  "Aleisha?"  I refused to turn my head.

He sighed and said, as sincerely as heaven, "You know I love you...Right?"

Something glorious happened to the 'feeling' in the car the moment those words were spoken.  The dark severity of the storm seemed to dissipate as I looked at James' cheek and the curvature of his jaw.  I saw a handsome face that had become as familiar to me as my own.  I saw genuine love there, too.

And that is what love does--it softens hearts and crushes contention.  It's a balm for pain and a guiding light for the lost.  It has the ability to uplift, motivate, and inspire.  It casts it's warmth on the bitter chill of loneliness.  It brings joy to the ordinary and "sparkle" to the mundane.  It can change a person for the better.

Think of the people in your life.  The people who never forget your birthday, who hold your hand when you're sad, who send you text messages about the newest kind of Oreos, who remind you that you're terrific when you feel otherwise, who take the time to listen, who support you by reading your "bloggy musings," who hug you and kiss you, who stand by your side when life's challenges overwhelm, who know your weaknesses and still see beauty, who make you happy and laugh often.

Those precious people.

They know you love them...Right?   


  1. amazing! this got me all choked up!
    what a beautiful reminder of what truly matters.
    THANK YOU for always bringing a smile to my face - with your kindness, humor, and amazing vn's and impromtu chats!!
    you've sure been an added blessing in my life - gorgeous, funny, inspiring Mama Leisha!!

    ps- i still want to know what kind of bandaid that was on your chin?! hahahaha :)

    pss-poop and kindness...AWESOME! LOL

    i love you!! <3

    1. HA HA HA!!! What a doll you are, Tacohead! And such a sweet friend too. The band aid on my chin was an ANGRY BIRDS band aid! HA HA HA!! I'm so so so sad that video DID NOT work out. It was hilarious! Perhaps you can watch it when you come to Utah. (wink, wink) I love you!

  2. i mean pps NOT pss
    (is that right?) hahaha i just googled it.

    one more pps...
    may i borrow lilly's adorable polka dot tights?
    your boys are super cute!


  3. muah! You are a beautiful soul. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Hot Mama Alyson! Thank you for reading! Thank you for all your support! Hope you know I love ya!

  4. Love love love it! You have such a way with words! I felt like I was in the car with you and Jamesy, watching the scene unfold! :)
    Love you tons- see you soon!

  5. Beautiful post and family. Just found you thru FFC at Posh.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. That is so beautiful and totally brought a tear to my eye!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I'm already a follower! :)

    Chubby Cheeks Thinks

  7. So very sweet. I really needed that today. Thank you! New follower from blog hop. Feel free to follow back at :) Have a dandy weekend!

  8. Leisha, I hope you know I love you! I miss you and love your blog! So fantastic that you met up with Ash the other day - we should really all get together - Monica too, I miss the gang! Love you, Tan

  9. What a precious family! You are so very Blessed!
    Following you from the hop!

  10. That was written so well is was like a preface for a book. You writing is clearly more than just your average blog. I really enjoyed it and am glad I found it via the SSS. It's inspirational. I will be back. Newest Follower.

  11. That rain photo is so cool!

    Found you in the blog hop new GFC follower, hope you will follow back!

  12. hey i found you through a blog hop and am now following you. i hope you can follow me back at

  13. Hey Aleisha!!! Wow, I felt like I was in the car with you! I love your writing. Great post-- I'm going to go tell all my loves how much I love them!!!

  14. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I am such a ball of MUSH tonight! Darn emotions and hormones all over the damn place! hahahaha! No, I'm not preggo....just going through a tough time, and everything is making me break into a bazillion pieces. This is so sweet, and I love the way you write. You have a gift, girlfriend!


    **blowing snots**

    kelly :)

  15. love this reminder... :) sweet!

    now, it is time to let those people i love know that I LOVE THEM! :D

  16. Cute blog! Hope you will stop by my blogspot blog too and followe us.



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