The One In Which I Get My Craft On

I like crafts.

I just wouldn't call myself a super crafty person.  I can't sew.  I don't know how to refurbish old furniture or make a quilt.  I can't cross stitch, and paper mache freaks me out.  To emphasize my lack of craft prowess, I recount an incident I had with Lilly a couple of months ago:

It was a quiet, peaceful Sunday afternoon and I was feeling inspired.  I pulled out my craft bag and my glue gun and went to work on a summertime wreath for the front door.  Lilly wandered into the kitchen and saw me hunched over a large square of burlap.  "What are you doing, Mom?", she asked.

"I am making a craft," I replied.

She was silent for a moment, then said, "I will pray for you."

AAHH!!!  See?!  I am NOT Mama CraftHead--a fact that is not lost on my preschooler.  When working on a challenging project, I spend most of my time cussing!  (Sorry, Mom.)

But, I like crafts.  I DO enjoy making them, as long as they aren't too difficult.  That's the key.

Would you like for me to teach you a craft that isn't hard, that is right up Mama Leisha's alley?  (A little something my friend, Sunshine, taught me.)

First, you will need a messy kitchen to promptly neglect.  (Hey!  I may not be GOOD at crafting, but I know enough to choose "doing a craft" over "doing the dishes.")

Next, you will need a package of Oreo cookies to eat while making this craft.  (If you desire to obtain a level of "crafty greatness," you'll want to go with Double Stuf.  They have magical powers.)

Take any fabric of your choosing, and cut out six circles.  (My circles are 3 inches in diameter.)

Fold one of the circles in half.  (Do you like my sparkly, pink nail polish?  It's new.)

Fold it in half again, so it looks like a triangle.

Grab a needle and thread.  Stitch along the bottom of your triangle.  (Sorry about the picture.  Not sure why my fingers look...neon????)

The next step is fun!  Gently pull the thread to gather the fabric.

Pull it tight.  It will look like this:

You will do this to all of your fabric circles; folding them, then stitching and pulling them along the thread.  You'll want to pull them tight, but be careful not to break your thread.  When all six are done, bring them together to form a circle.  Stitch the two ends together.

Hooray!  I just made a flower!  Isn't it dreamy?

Use your creativity for the flower's center.  The sky's the limit!  An old brooch from Grandma's jewelry box.  A fabric yo-yo.  A big button.  It's fun to try out different looks.  For my flower I made a yo-yo out of cream fabric, then sewed on a white button.   I took my yo-yo/button combo and hot glued it onto the flower.

The last step is to glue this adorable flower to a headband.  (Or glue it to a pin to make a brooch.  Glue it to a hair clip, an oven mitt, a scarf, or a tote bag.  Whatever you'd like!)  I made this headband for Lilly to wear in her hair, on her first day of preschool.  Such a fun and easy project with a delightful end result.

(Oh!  And don't forget to clean the Oreos from your teeth when you're finished making flowers!)



  1. haha!!! You are the greatest!! And the silliest!!! Thanks for the giggles... the "craft" is super cute, but no one would EVER let me hold a hot glue gun in this house.. if you knew how many times we've had to unstick my fingers from super glue, you would understand!!! But I will pass it on to my lovely assistant, my sister in law, and she will figure those puppies out soon. I NEED my girls to rock those flowers in their hair!!!

  2. BEST. TUTORIAL. EVER! I am cracking up! It really is such a great tutorial (funny story- I was actually trying to remember how to make those flowers earlier today!!), but your little side comments and randomness have me ROLLING! Love ya! Can't wait to see you this weekend!! :)

  3. That was the best tutorial ever! I am making those flowers and eating oreos. Wanna come join me?

  4. hahahahahahaha!! omygosh, i love chocolate teeth. i have so many "brownie teeth" photos in my picture stash. i will have to post one sometime, just for you ;)
    that headband is adorable!! and, you ARE crafty!! if i tried to make that flower, it wouldn't look like a flower, i tell ya that much! lilly will look super cute!
    i wish i had mad talent in the craft area, i don't. i just posted about a few of my crafty friends.
    my friend jokes with me that i can't even glitter. it's true! LOL!
    hope you have a wonderful hump day!!
    ps-love the red in your hair and your sparkly digits!!

  5. OMG I just so happen to have a dirty kitchen to neglect and some oreos! (They're the regular ones though, so no magical double stuffed powers for me. Boooooo.) The only problem I'm facing now is that I can't sew. Honestly, God didn't give me that gene I guess. I once sewed my son's karate uniform to my own pants, just trying to add a star to his lapel. Now, I'm looking at your radioactive little fingers there, and I'm thinking maybe...maaaaayyyybe...I could try this. I love headbands, and even though I'm pushing 30 I still rock a headband from time to time. I want one with a pretty flower. I'll let you know if I decide to tackle this. I'll also let you know what I accidentally sewed myself to this time around. Maybe your kid could pray for me too. ;)

    Oh, and your sparkly nails are FIERCE!!! Love it!

  6. Oh wow...those are really cute!! I must add these to my list-of-things-to-do-once-the-kids-get-to-college...because that is when I will get a minute to breathe, I think!


  7. But your teeth look so good filled with Oreos :)
    Good work at being crafty!!

  8. Hee! We'd so be dangerous crafting buddies!!
    That flower is awesome! That one is new to me so you taught me something!! Lovely Oreo Teeth by the way!! ;)

  9. Following from the Super Mom Blog Hop! Your blog is amazing, I'm so glad I found you! Please follow back at and feel free to add your blog to my blog directory at

  10. Love it! The Oreos and the headband!!

    New follower:

  11. that last picture is a little scary- found you on the happy hour blog. Sarah

  12. HAHAHAHAHAHHAA i love that last picture! you are so funny! the tutorial is great - and with the best finale ever!!!!

  13. New follower. I have four fantastic boys so I don't often get the opportunity or desire to make anything girly but this tutorial is so easy! I will definitely try it out for a great gift for my niece!

  14. Love this idea!

    ~Kara (your newest follower :)


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